Saturday, March 31, 2012

What my friends want from India

I now have 16 days until my mom comes! (not that I'm counting) and have starting to sift through what books I will be taking home, what will be donated, etc. Another major component of this process is getting the last gifts, shopping, and requested items to bring back to the US.

And for this, my friends have thoroughly amused me.

The first request was for a Bollywood rendition of Aladdin, which has not been released in the United States. My friend appropriately attached the link to my facebook wall, so that I would be clear.

My conversation with my brother was perhaps more amusing. 

Brother: What's cheap in India and expensive here?
Me: Ummm....I can get bootleg dvds for two bucks....Prescription drugs? 
Brother: I'll think about what I need. Oxy cotin?
Me: Well as a rule I generally don't trust Indian drugs...How about a painted elephant? 
Brother: Exotic animals are good if you can bring any back

One other friend appropriately requested street Mughal art prints. However when I responded that I would likely put more effort into that than oxy cotton or exotic animals, the conversation went as such:

Friend: Actually, go into a pharmacy...take someone who is Hindi/is respectful and ask for 4 patay *leaves*
Me: Which is?
Friend: 4 patthay of oxy...I think it should work. GSK is huge there so they probably have it cheap. Oh Lord, I'm a terrible person.

I love my friends. 


After several people have read this I realize the need to make the following notes:

*Oxy cotin is not spelled like the fabric -- something I have now learned
*No, I'm not actually bringing anyone drugs. 
*My brother has added a psychedelic ganesha to his wish list

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